Here is another great recipe to add to your child's
lunchbox or to snack on if you feel like something sweet yourself. It's
got a beautiful combination of seeds and dried fruit. Hemp seeds provide
a fantastic balance of omegas 3, 6 and 9 in exactly the right ratio. Chia
seeds and flaxseeds are also a rich source of omega 3s. Together all
three seeds provide a fantastic supply which are beneficial for brain, skin and
heart health. Omega 3s are particularly beneficial for cognitive function
assisting with issues such as ADHD. Omega 3s also reduce inflammation in
the body which can assist with asthma. The coconut oil and vanilla bean
paste in this slice create a delicious rich flavour so you don't need much.
Coconut oil has antibacterial properties as well as providing a healthy
vegetable source of saturated fat - which we need to manufacture our hormones.
Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc and sesame seeds are an
excellent source of calcium. This recipe is jam packed full of goodness!!
I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to your feedback or any
questions you may have on particular foods or recipes.
Hemp Seed Slice:
In a large bowl, mix
¼ cup chia seeds or
flax seeds,
¼ cup sesame seeds,
¼ cup pumpkin seeds,
¼ cup whole hemp seeds (available
from health food stores)
¼ cup dried fruit (figs, dried apricots, dried
pears, etc)
½ teaspoon sea salt,
2 teaspoons cinnamon,
1/3 cup melted organic coconut oil,
1 Tablespoon vanilla bean paste,
½ cup organic honey.
Once well-mixed transfer to a large cutting board.
Cover with oiled waxed paper (oil side down) and press flat with your hands or
with a rolling pin. Place in refrigerator until firm, then cut into
squares. Store in the refrigerator.
Janelle Twine.