It's nearing the end of the year…can you believe it?!!
I'm loving the hot weather in Cairns and the build up to Christmas holidays with family and friends. I have to say I also LOVE the peaches that are in season at this time of year! I simply love sitting still and enjoying the smell of a ripe organic peach before launching in for my first bite :)
In the lead up to Christmas remember that it doesn't need to be a time to stuff yourself silly on foods that make you feel bloated and yuck. It can be a healthy, delicious and enjoyable time with loads of whole food treats and meals to share of greater nutrition value and flavour without the awful feeling post meal. Please come in and see me for an appointment or ask if you are wanting help to ensure that you can enjoy your Christmas without the feeling of being bloated and hungover on sugar.
I'm really excited that I have been invited to assist in facilitating a juice fast in Bali, with Tyler Tolman and Don Tolman, before the year is out. Wow! What an opportunity! This father and son pair have a passion for whole foods and fasting with an emphasis on the 7 principles of health. Don has spent many years researching different cultures and their practices surrounding health. Both have the most amazing knowledge and brains. A wealth of information!
I leave for Bali tomorrow and I have been working my body towards a juice fast over the last 3 days. These initial steps of transitioning to raw allow the body to begin detoxing with lighter, cleaner foods before stepping in to the realm of just juice and water. For the first 2 days I have eaten only raw foods (eg. raw zucchini pesto pasta, lots of fresh fruit (watermelon, peaches, pineapple), dairy free/sugar free smoothies, acai bowls, lightly steamed broccoli, kombucha, etc). Today I have transitioned on to juices and will continue on that while taking a colon cleanse powder blend with bentonite clay in it, to assist in drawing toxins out. It goes without saying that hydration is key also! I always have 1L of water upon waking and ensure that my fluids are kept up during the day. I am consuming an easy 3L plus per day at the moment.
I will stay on this juice cleanse prior to arriving in Bali as I am wanting to be at my best to assist in the facilitation of the juice fast (i.e. I don't want to be detoxing myself). I am there to support others during their fasting experience and therefore want to be feeling on top of things by Saturday. It is common to find the first 3 days of juice fasting the most challenging, hence why I have started on raw and transitioned to juice in the week leading up to the community juice fast in Bali, beginning on Saturday.
The group of people gathering together in Bali will be from all walks of life, with different health histories and different daily practices. The detox symptoms of each and every one of them will be different. If you are choosing to join us via the virtual online juice fast, please remember this and be kind to yourself. We are all unique.
A supportive community makes a juice fast so much easier! Come and join in the fun…here is the link to join the FREE 7 day juice fast in Bali, online...
Fasting gives the digestive system a break allowing it to rest and repair. This regenerates the organs and gives the body an opportunity to cleanse. With the emphasis on the 7 principles of health (hydration, air, exercise, whole foods, passions, relationships and sunshine) along with enemas the body is able to cleanse and repair. A can't wait to support and share in this experience with others, over the next week!
I am looking at facilitating a juice fast in Cairns next year. It is such a perfect location surrounded by delicious tropical produce. If you are interested in joining the juice fast or have a great idea for a venue please reply below, comment on my Seeds Of Health Facebook page, email ( or call me (0438 733 103).
Tyler and Rachelle Tolman have hosted many online juice fasts this year allowing the online community to grow with 1700 members currently. It is a place where you can ask questions and share your thoughts. A perfect platform to fast from if you are unable to join us in person. Good luck if you're choosing to join us on this amazing journey of fasting, which starts this Saturday!
I'm really looking forward to assisting those who are joining us in Bali this Saturday! I also look forward to sharing my experience on the other side :)